A usually low-quality video game made solely with premade assets from game making stores, most popularly the Unity Asset Store.
This game is the worst! No effort put into it, it's just a bad asset flip!
Verb- refers to the act of taking MDMA (ecstasy) and a strong narcotic (such as Oxycontin) simultaneously, producing a gentle, very carefree state of mind, not unlike a manatee drifting about the Florida Keys (before getting crushed by a speedboat full of bitches).
Carlos: "Hullo Xavier. Have you seen Pascual? He seems to be very slow."
Xavier: "Indeed. He's manatee flipping really hard."
Carlos: "We should engage in that soon."
Being under the influence of both morning glory seeds and MDMA (ecstasy).
We were flower flipping last night and I met God.
A bisexual Canadian who plays lives in a penthouse near a burnt down Persian gay sex club, and plays 20 HCR2 accounts. Flip boost was named after him because it's useless. Prone to leading failed merges.
Dude, in exchange for a merge and logo change, flip hcr totally just gave me a handjob and fixed my printer.
The experience of eating soondubu tofu stew while candy flipping.
Dude we got some soondubu after candyflipping at Thunderdome last weekend. Best BCD flip of my life.
Flipping property in a neighborhood not merely for the purpose of profit, but with a priority of improving the neighborhood.
One who does this would be a "benevolent flipper."
Some slumlord offered John $20k for his house, but he sold it to the city for $17k so it would be a rainwater garden instead of yet another North Minneapolis crack house. It's called "benevolent flipping."
Source: This phrase was used by a guy interviewed on NPR, All Things Considered, in early August, 2008, to describe what he does.
A skateboarding manouvre where the board disgustingly scrapes along the ground in a kickflip like fashion.
Kid: Dude, was that meant to be a kickflip?
Kid 2: Yeh sorry, I Rikki Flipped it.