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The Hot Dog Game

The game your uncle plays with you when your family isn't looking on family vacation. Results in years of therapy and emotional stunting

Uncle: Hey sport! Wanna play the hot dog game with your uncle Jimmy?
You: Uh, what's the hot dog game?
Uncle: Well, you show me your hot dog, and I'll show you mine, and whoever has the biggest hot dog gets to stick it in the bun!

You: Uh I guess so

by UncleJimmy6969 November 2, 2021

The virgin Hot dog

The virgin Hot dog is when you're gonna have a nice fuckaro with your titty equiped, virgin friend, first you get her naked on the bed. Hopefully you have a long and firm shit ready to deploy.

You take a shit right between her boobs, and you go straight to the banging. Since she's a virgin there will be blood, be sure to save the blood, 'cause you're gonna need it!

When you know you're gonna splooch, pull out and deploy your soldiers on the warm shit on her chest, that's the mustard. Now you get the blood, and spread it like ketchup.

Now you got a warm, sweet and sour, virgin hot dog you can serve anyone you like.

I did The virgin Hot dog with my girlfriend the other day, I think her mom enjoyed it i little too much

by NastyLover May 13, 2020

The virgin Hot dog

The virgin Hot dog is when you're gonna have a nice fuckaro with your titty equiped, virgin friend, first you get her naked on the bed. Hopefully you have a long and firm shit ready to deploy.

You take a shit right between her boobs, and you go straight to the banging. Since she's a virgin there will be blood, be sure to save the blood, 'cause you're gonna need it!

When you know you're gonna splooch, pull out and deploy your soldiers on the warm shit on her chest, that's the mustard. Now you get the blood, and spread it like ketchup.

Now you got a warm, sweet and sour, virgin hot dog you can serve anyone you like.

I did The virgin Hot dog with my girlfriend the other day, i think her mom enjoyed it i little to much.

by NastyLover May 13, 2020

The virgin Hot dog

The virgin Hot dog is when you're gonna have a nice fuckaro with your titty equiped, virgin friend, first you get her naked on the bed. Hopefully you have a long and firm shit ready to deploy.

You take a shit right between her boobs, and you go straight to the banging. Since she's a virgin there will be blood, be sure to save the blood, 'cause you're gonna need it!

When you know you're gonna splooch, pull out and deploy your soldiers on the warm shit on her chest, that's the mustard. Now you get the blood, and spread it like ketchup.

Now you got a warm, sweet and sour, virgin hot dog you can serve anyone you like.

I did The virgin Hot dog with my girlfriend the other day, I think her mom enjoyed it a little too much

by NastyLover May 13, 2020

The virgin Hot dog

The virgin Hot dog is when you're gonna have a nice fuckaro with your titty equiped, virgin friend, first you get her naked on the bed. Hopefully you have a long and firm shit ready to deploy.

You take a shit right between her boobs, and you go straight to the banging. Since she's a virgin there will be blood, be sure to save the blood, 'cause you're gonna need it!

When you know you're gonna splooch, pull out and deploy your soldiers on the warm shit on her chest, that's the mustard. Now you get the blood, and spread it like ketchup.

Now you got a warm, sweet and sour, virgin hot dog you can serve anyone you like.

The other day I told my mother-in-law to eat shit, she dared me to do the Virgin hot dog

by NastyLover May 20, 2020

The Australian Hot Dog

The act of putting mustard and tomato sauce on you dick and proceeding to have sex with someone.

Guy 1: "Hey, are you still dating that maid of yours?"
Guy 2: "Nah, she was a bitch so I gave her The Australian Hot Dog and left"

by Yunita537 March 12, 2020


The sexual act of inserting a phallus shaped piece of poop into her vagina instead of a penis. The bun is the vagina.

She thought we were going out to lunch, but instead I gave her a hot-dog.

by Loverofhotdogs August 8, 2021