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Steven Universe

The best tv series with one of the absolute worst fanbases there is.

When you become part of the fan base, you will most likely start shipping the characters, squeal whenever someone mentions it, become a peridot addict, a Garnet addict and lots of other fatal stuff.

The fan base has to be up there with undertale, five nights at freddy's, overwatch and lots of other things with shit fanbases that I somehow managed to drag myself into.

Sene help. Please.

Don't go into the steven universe fanbase because you will NEVER be able to get back out.

by NibbaHotCheetos February 17, 2020

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Pulled a Steven

Def 1: One who drives to vegas for six hours extremely excited to party the night away only to get to vegas and pass out 2 hours later.

Def 2: One who drinks too much too fast and ktfo while everyone else is just starting their nights

"sophia pulled a steven and is completely out..." -Hugh

by hoangry May 5, 2010

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Ryan Stevens

aka BIG STEVENS. The word Big is due to the fact that Ryan is so commonly confused with Brian.

A name that refers to a kool kid who is intelligent and can get along with just about anyone. He may also be refered to as Little Prince(For Ryan) or Master(For Big).

1.Random Person- Ya that kid Ryan Stevens can sure be
friendly. It seems he gets along with everyone.

2.Wills-Wazzup Big Stevens? Whats going on?
Ryan Stevens- Not much man. Just going to another day in Foltz.

by BIG STEVENS February 27, 2007

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Steven Chen

A kid who consistently asks you for money for food and buy a Fortnite Battlepass

Jason- "Hey can you stop being a Steven Chen".

by zRotation February 22, 2019

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Steven Philligin

A Big Fat Faggot

Steven Philligin: "I'm a big fat faggot"

by OH I CAN"T BELIEVE IT September 2, 2008

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ollie stevens

1. A type of hard drug which leaves you totally screwed up.

First Person: Dude, got any crack?
Second Person: Nah I got ollie stevens..
First Person: Nah man, thats too hard!!
Second Person: Yea man, it's the HARDEST

by Prof. K January 25, 2004

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Steven Seagal

An actor who is funnier to use in "Chuck Norris jokes" instead of Chuck Norris simply beacause the fact of that he is more awesome.

He is good friends with Jackie Chan.
He speaks fluent japanese
He is an Aikido master of 7th dan.
He owns a dojo in japan.
He is almost always seen in a ponytail.
He is the greatest man alive.

Besides making badass action movies, Steven Seagal also plays the guitar and sings. And of course he's in a band.

Steven Seagal doesn't care what time it is, he decides what time it is.

Everytime boogieman goes to sleep he checks under his bed for Chuck Norris, however every time Chuck Norris goes to bed he checks his under his bed, inside his closet, outside his window, in the living room, kitchen and in his garage for Steven Seagall.

Steven Seagal: The secret is not to act, but to be.

by Kniv April 15, 2009

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