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Drink Thought Exclamation

A "eureka" moment but instead of exclaiming "eureka," you exclaim "mmm" because your mouth is full of water.

Two entrepreneurs (E) drinking:
E1: "We need a business idea."
E2: "Yeah, but what?"
E1: *Takes a drink and comes up with an idea* "Mmm!"
E2: "I know that sound! That's a drink thought exclamation!"

by Licensed_Nerd August 8, 2020

Thought dump

When you have racing anxious thoughts and you say them out loud as a pressure release to stop worrying and let go of the thoughts

I was panicking about the movie tomorrow and just said out loud as a thought dump"I'm fucking freaking out it's probably gonna be fine it's just a movie anyway" and felt better within minutes.

by Zen Bossman June 22, 2023

Thought fuck

When you have thoughts you want to say but someone constantly interrupts you when you talk.

My girlfriend is such a thought fuck. She just wants to talk about shopping.

by Themitchyo July 25, 2022

Shut your thoughts up

A phrase used do to the pre notion of someone saying something stupid, obnoxious, rude, or negative.

Matt walks in the door with a disgruntled look on his face. Liz is getting the kids ready for bed. The dishes aren't done.

Matt: thinking to himself "why aren't the dishes done?"

Liz:" shut your thoughts up!"

by Shirley Abernathy April 17, 2011