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a meal, usually breakfast, after sex

The toast-coital repast gave her the strength to get dressed and leave.

by Jeff Schultz August 14, 2007

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punching toast

Fingering, or more accurately, finger blasting a girl.

D'Angelo: I saw you leave with that broad. Did you munch that?

Cadillac: No, she wouldn't let me munch, so i punched her toast all night.

by CadillacZach June 2, 2005

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Throwing the Toast

1. One of the many rituals performed during midnight showings of the cult classic "Rocky Horror Picture Show". 2. The act of copulation, ussually in a public venue.

You and Benny were throwing the toast in the laundromat yesterday? That's kinky...

by jennygurrrrrl October 15, 2007

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Cum Toast

A rule put into affect at high school/ middle school sleep-overs. Originating in Southwest Michigan, it was enforced to discourage one child from disturbing or messing with another while they slept. If one messed with another, the victim and all others present would masturbate on a piece of toast and the perpetrator would be forced to eat it. Thus putting an end to practical jokes while you slept.

Child 1: "I'm going to bed and don't anyone think of messing with me! The 'cum toast' rule is in affect"
Child 2: "You heard him... Mess with the man and you're eating cum toast"!

by Towner21 October 13, 2011

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toast selling

To sell somthing stupid like a plain peice of paper or a toast with some picture carved in it for a really high price....then haveing someone bid on it

A Plain peice of paper
Current Bid: 18.00
Bids: 6

by Matt Gualdarrama June 12, 2005

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The acting of toasting one piece of bread multpile times to achieve desired toastiness.

I've had this toaster for fifteen years so I have to re-toast my pop tarts like, five times.

by dogtherapist January 23, 2009

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Burnt Toast

Refers to in a relationship were one is wasting the others time. The one who is wasting the time is the burnt toast. They are someone who is disrespectful by their cluelessness. If you only had enough butter for one peice of toast and had a loaf of bread would you waste your butter the burnt toast? No, than why would you give this man or woman your time and energy.

Tony says the Leah regarding a boy who she like and keeps selling her out, "Your waisting your time on that burnt toast"

by screamtard March 4, 2010

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