This work should have been done by now, but the team has been slugging on the trip.
another way to say someone is trippin
adam:”let’s go smoke meth!”
jay: “nah bra, you’re tripped out”
Taking your mind somewhere else without moving the body.
Dude, that song took me on an inert trip.
when driving thru the southern california desert on your way to las vegas, making stops at rest stops maybe smoke a cigarette or 2, stopping at gas stations and buying munchies for the road, blasing a great CD on your cd player having a great magical time on your way to the sin city driving thru one of the most amazing deserts
(cris) you got that joint?
(bob) yeah i do..
(cris) fire it up!! lets stop at that gas station to
get munchies for the desert trip
(bob) im down..
A thing that I'm doing right now, it's something you do to escape reality. It's something you do when you wanna go back to the good days of your life and it's something you do when you don't wanna worry about things anymore.
Gary: Hey Jaiden what you doing man?
Jaiden: I'm having a Nostalgic Trip, I'm watching Kim Possible and later on I'm gonna listen to 2000's Eminem.
Gary: Oh, well alright then.
usually used as a racist joke referencing auschwitz.
"don't make me put you on a train trip boy!"
"*insert laughing here*"
Combining magic mushrooms and Methamphetamine.
Hey bro, bring shrooms over and lets go on a quik trip.