To have a weekend of all out partying with alcohol to determine your safe alcohol limit.
I'm going off to college next year I think I might have a safety weekend.
Going out on your days off to enjoy your life instead of just getting spiritually crushed by your 9~5 dead end job.
I'm really only alive during my remedial weekends.
The weekend long right of passage thrown by buddies for a great guy after he announces he will be a father for the first time. The party typically includes: fine aged ribs, pork shoulder and artisanal cheese fixed in a Valhalla fashion with micro beer and such and in a get away "guys only fashion", hour to hour events are based around lollygagging games and tom foolery that dudes enjoy and take delight in, all to divert attention away from the conscious fact that one of their close buddies will soon pull away from the pack and devote his attention to the needs of his family.
Corey texted his friends that he was going to be a father for the first time. Slowly his buddies texted him back to congratulate him and ask when they could throw him a Manshower Weekend, to honor his ability to procreate.
the last weekend of the month or the weekend after a major holiday when cops are out in full force making their "bread and butter" by writing dumb citations to fill their quota.
person 1: man I was only going 7 over the speed limit.
person 2: It's toaster weekend. Cops will pull you over and fine ya for no reason these days.
It’s a typical happy feeling on weekends. Can be similar to happiness.
I’m feeling weekendness. Lets Go for party tonight.
When someone gets mad at another other friends for no reason over discord and they get rid of all their roles and kick them from the server, but then they come back to them 20 minutes later
Friend Group: Haha Weekend Moment!