if u are looking up this word it must mean someone have called u this word or u heard someone get called this word ...
but basically Simp is an try hard for a person like your in love
Where a boy fall in LOVE with a girl for no reason
Boy 1: Hey bro
Boy 2: yea?
Boy 1: I’m simping for that girl
That guy you don’t really know but sits in the backseat of your classroom. Most likely a cuckold or something similar like getting cheated on. Now that he has nobody to worship, he goes on twitch or some streaming website to whiteknight for the egirls and sends thousands of dollars to get the girl to notice him . Probably lives in his parents basement , most likely middle aged and fat
Hey, did you know that oliver has been a simp ?
( everyone knew)
Nick Forbes has only seen the boys 1 time in the last like 5 weeks, he has been a SIMP for this female.
A simp is someone who would do anything for another person.
A friend: I just joined tennis.
Another friend: But I thought you hated tennis.
A friend: I joined it for her. :)
Another friend: You're a simp.
Some normie that does everything for a girl who just likes them as a friend.
Guy(commenting on the girls' picture they are in together):haha, we look so much like a couple on this
Girl:Yeah, a couple of besties ;)
A random intelectual: LoL, fricking Simp