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in reference to spotify wrapped and how the craziest shit has wrapped versions with stats. Basically, just a collection of statistics on something you wouldn’t expect.

bro look at my crunchyroll wrapped!

why the fuck is your favorite genres harem and ecchi. also, why is your favorite show “ I Want You To Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear” 😭😭😭

by furryfuckingfanatic67 December 30, 2025


variation of “cuffed”; short for “wrapped around my pinky finger”; head over heels, crazy for someone

you got me WRAPPED

by psychprincess January 7, 2021

Wrap rash

When you use improper or substituting contraception, such a plastic wrap, but the friction causes a rash to develop afterwards.

Boy 1: Bro why you walking like that?

Boy 2: I got real bad wrap rash this weekend when Lisa called and said her parents were out of town. I didn't get a chance to pick up any condoms beforehand.
Boy 1: Aw man that' sucks! At least you got laid!

by xokookiemonsterxo January 5, 2016

Gadget wrap

Everything the owner of a shiny gadget needs to keep his precious spot- and scratchless. From grainy screen protectors to huge rubber cases, if it's on your device and not decoration, it's gadget wrap. Applicable to smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and any other piece of surprisingly fragile modern technology.

I wanted to skip the gadget wrap on my new phone, but the back is already scuffed after a week in my pocket.

by user565322 October 10, 2016

saran wrapped

When men wear pants so tight, their genitalia looks like Saran wrapped meatballs

Allen could really use some looser pants; He's saran wrapped tighter than my mothers leftover lasagna.

by CloSin^2 November 23, 2015

brekky wrap

Where you run bacon grease and place a small portion of scrambled eggs on her 😺 and then eating it, leaving only one thing to do, give her the sausage,

Hey mate I hope ya don't mind but I have your crush a brekky wrap thismorning!

by Thefunnydukker November 12, 2021

wrap say she smack

when a woman interrogates a man with anger

Then she said wrap say she smack

by Trentaloaf March 2, 2021