This phrase has no singular meaning, Just saying the phrase turns u into a fuckin legend
popularized by the nutcase Gavino.
You know how we do, off a few cans and a 0.2, GET BACK SHADRAG
One who supports and sends an exposing(nude) picture of themselfs in return to receiving one
The boy asked the girl if she is team send back in high hopes
When someone slips a Gurken up your backside and slaps your ass so hard that pickle relish comes out.
My wife needed some relish to finish her deviled eggs so she gave me a pickle back.
A sexual position where the man slides his “pickle” across his partner’s back.
Yo bro. I gave that girl a pickle-back last night.
343: Gina Linetti Are The Ginger Ale Back Smacker
The most advance and effective form of ball-tapping.
A move executed from behind, it involves grabbing the balls from between someone's legs, and pulling them "Down, back and then up." The victim should fall forward due to the nature of the attack.
Being a sneak attack, It is extremely effective and easier to pull off than the common ball-tap.
Variations include just a simple "Back and up" move, exactly the same but without the first Down pull. The victim should be lifted into the air before falling forward; this is very humiliating.
Lyman: So I was standing there minding my own business, when that jerk Matt came behind and Down-Back-Up'd me.
Ryan: Ouch man, slap dat ho
Maybe one day we can all go down-back-upping in the woods!
A back door man is a man who likes to bang a woman in the ass. He’s the “get bent” type of guy.
“Back door man” expression was used in the 1930s and the 1960s psychedelic rock band The Doors adopted it where Jim Morrison uses the song’s title and context to define a man who has anal sex with his woman.
Btws…Timmothy is a back door man. So, prepare to get bent.