The task that fat-ass millennial gamers believed they have to propose the chronology of the late "Call of Duty" franchise, which they have no control over, as more futuristic titles were released after the first.
At the 2014 release of "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare", sure progress of the renowned franchise's chronology, the Fat Boy's Burden first surfaced.
When Avril Doesnt think shes fat
Im not fat im curvy said Avril making a whale look skinny
The balance of fat and muscle on a body. Particularly when the individual's head is is proportional to the fatness of the body.
A: "Man, you're a heifer!"
B: "No, I'm perfectly fat, get it right!"
A: "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight!"
B: "No, I'm still perfectly fat. Once you're perfectly fat, you're perfectly fat."
A person who is fat and doesn’t do anything but just sit and eat all day like some Godzilla and has no clue what he’s doing and is Narcissistic about certain foods he’s consuming
Xander is such a fat ass eating all of the pies
it is the kids in my class they are stupider then vegetable and they are like giant human bouncy balls that weigh 150 pounds.
me: wow that kid is a fat ass
friend: i know right.
What I have
The man said “ gyatt damn that’s a fat ass”.
a person who sits and does exactly what they are not supposed to be doing. playing games/sleeping/making a mess
a. dude your such a fat ass
b.just cause I play games?