That was called a call-back you humorless dork.
Hym “That was a call-back you humorless dork. How’s all that moral posturing feel? Good? Good.”
😱: chelsea peretti are the ginger ale back smacker
😱:Chelsea Peretti Are The Ginger Ale Back Smacker
Fuck me she had a fanny like an axe wound in Chewbacca’s back
When you hitting it from behind after spitting and choking her all night
I was having sex with my girl tearing that back alley meat up while I had been choking her all day and spitting on her butt cheeks.
is the name for a male who is into S&M and torture. true striped backed steves are the ones getting tortured, usualy by a female dominatrix
1) did you here what matt did with jesse last night?
2) i know hes a striped backed steve and every one knows it