A youtube channle made by a stoner for stoners
"Yo you see that new what up ninja video that stoner is crazyyy"
A person that is a huge bust on something
Person 1:” don’t do that you’ll get hurt”
Person 2: “omg what a mom🙄”
What the Phil is a term commonly used in the Midwest. Could be said confused, sad, excited, or angry.
Its used mostly by Adults/Teenagers, while children say "What the Phillip!" which means the same thing.
mom: Son.. We're putting you up for adoption.
son: what the Phil!!!!!!
A word used when someone says something obvious
Person 1. Money doesn’t grow on trees!
Person 2. Well yeah, that’s what makes the earth round.
What if he's literally hitler and tries to kill us
When some crazy stuff happens in Florida. To be used in place of “what the fuck” when describing lunacy in the state of Florida.
What the Florida. We got another streaker running down Highway 95. And, he’s also carrying an alligator.
when you're just there minding your own business and then you hear the following words:
"You know what that means"
Origin: YOU, ME, GAS STATION on YouTube