According to Hector, A local father in Bremerton. A Mom-sum is defined as a Mother of multiple children that she carries on her at the same time, does their best to maintain a happy home and even though she have support from others, will often decline the help, Being a mom-sum does include playing dead when receiving phone calls or knocks at the door.
Wow, Did you see that lady carrying both her kids at the same time she must be strong!
She not strong she is a Mom-sum
(Noun): a person who arranges sex parties and throughout the event proceeds to act the mother, passing out lube, poppers, and ensuring towels are readily available.
"Mid-thrust, the sheets began to get wet. The designated orgy mom swept in, placing towels under the participants without anyone having to ask."
an amazing person and cool shes the type of girl to hack she loves her bf almighty
"James: Damn mom#0004 is so popular"
"Almighty: mom#0004 is better than all of us"
A woman of age whom, before engaging in sexual intercourse, will get absolutely smashed off cocaine
Mrs. Robertson seems to be really peppy in the morning... Maybe she's a snowplow mom.
A woman of age who loves to get completely destroyed by cocaine before getting her fuck on.
Sometimes being a snowplow mom has its rewards.
A very very intense comeback for when fighting opps or being bullied in genshin impact
For example
Bully >:c : haha you smell like grape poopoo ur mom
You, an alpha sigma genshin impact weeaboo: guess what? Among us haha ur mom poopoo
Someone ate your mom do i really need to explain
Gary you fat emo fuckface you ate my mom!