To clinch or tightly hold a penis without regarding the penis might faint and the tip might turn blue
Yo jenny did penis clinch to john
Penis mail is when you receive dick pics and you can't stop them from coming.
Girl2: Don't you mean penis mail?
1. Action; Shit you do with your penis
2. Verb; Activities that are otherwise strange, degenerate, and or inappropriate.
1. Man, I was doing some penis activities last night.
2. Stop it with your penis activities.
“Lucky Penis” is similar to the saying “Lucky Day!” It has been around for several centuries, having spiked in the year of 1896. It has made a comeback in the last couple of years.
“Hey look, I found a $20 bill on the side of the street!”
“Lucky Penis!!!”
Something that antiepileptic drugs can give you
This is really unusual; you know sometimes my seizure medication causes a penis disorder.
This is a pill that makes you throb so hard, it jolts out your pants and rips a hole where your veiny meat stick should be. Jabeer really needs them though... So don't take too many! Also take one of Anas' Condoms!
I stole some of Jabeer's Penis Pills! I've never been harder!
The two things in this world that guarantee eternal happiness.
My life was shitty. Now, it's perfect. I'm rich and loving life all because of penis and pot!