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What must cut?

A rude phrase used in response to irrelevant information that has been brought to your attention and has no value to your life whatsoever. Most likely annoying

Sunny: “I was on FaceTime with ”

Jack: “Okay now what must cut?”

by Miyagison January 9, 2022

What the hell

What the hell means what are you doing or when you see something weird also when someone says something weird like

Jack:yo my mama is cute and I love her jake: What the hell? Man

by Realmeaning1249292838 October 17, 2021

What the hell

weird loud nice to teachers but not students

What the hell you're so fuckin annoyingg

by bewjhkop[jaghfcgyu8y February 25, 2021


The sentence you say to when you look at someone's goofy ass jordan's

"Aw naw naw man, WHAT THE HELL, OH MY GOD NO WAY"

by Riqguy May 21, 2023

what the hell

a thing that you may say if you see a weird/chaotic picture. what the hell can also be said if your friend asked you a stupid question.

friend: where do you live? I want to steal your Nintendo switch.

me: what the hell man

by youjustgotreared March 28, 2023

what the hell

a thing that can be used if you see a weird/chaotic picture. can also be used if your friend asks you a weird question.

for example:

friend: where do you live?

I want to steal your Nintendo switch.

me: what the hell man

by youjustgotreared March 28, 2023

what the hell

what the hell

what the hell

by u a a f d t w f y l a s m w a May 23, 2019