A high-speed, jet-powered contraption resembling a fighter plane, whimsically imagined as a "global engine" (a fantastical, all-encompassing power source) navigating a wind tunnel filled with gusts of flatulent air. This playful term evokes the image of a supercharged vehicle testing its aerodynamics in a comically challenging environment.
After a week of testing, the engineers finally released the global engine fighter in a tunnel full of windy farts, sending it zooming through the air with a trail of giggles behind it.
A obfuscated souding fart.
I was playing Rocket League with the boys and suddenly, *Thwat*, A WEIRD FART BY TY!
when your wife looks at you and stares at you and her partner can tell shes brewing up something ferocious. a deadly fart. you can either run or sit there, take it, and save the world.
She looked at me and out came a bologna fart
A pasta fart is when you eat pasta and the next day your farts smell like pasta sauce.
Oh man i ate too much pasta last night and now i got pasta farts.
A phrase dating back to ancient times and used by many cultures, meaning that one often releases a fart before pooping. Most frequently used as a warning to young children who still sometimes poop in their pants.
Ancient Mayan child: *farts*
Ancient Mayan father: “Son, heed this papyrus. It was left by our ancestors to warn us that a fart comes before the storm. You must seek a toilet before it is too late.”
Ancient Mayan child: *doesn’t listen; shits his pants*
Pilgrim child: *farts*
Pilgrim mother: “As the good lord has taught us, child, a fart comes before the storm. You must seek out a toilet before you soil your pantaloons.”
Pilgrim child: *doesn’t listen; shits his pants*
Modern child: *farts*
Modern father: “Seek out and sit upon thy toilet, young one, lest ye fill your britches with turd of brown. For as the Bard once wrote, a fart cometh before thy storm.”
Modern mother: “You’re gonna make him weird if you keep talking to him like that.”
Modern child: *exits the room to find a toilet* “Just kidding!” *doesn’t listen; shits his pants*
It's just the but-hole
Yo! Did you hear? Olivia likes it up the fart-snarter!