When you can't stop talking 'bout that pay pay
"Roma victor lol, Decrypted has the roachiest small pay pay. I don't just have downs, I have Turbo-Downs"
Just a saying of no origin known
When someone is freaking out you say to them, "Simmer down Sampson"
When a girl/guy is shutting you down but literally sending you the shittiest text messages.
Fuck! I thought this bitch wanted my D so bad, but she's shitting me down right now
It is a word used for describing a drink you had last night.
It is also a word used for describing a glass window.
Example 1 "Yo that drink was so 'Bussed-Down"
Example 2 "Yo that window is so 'Bussed Down
Muahlonnbeat down fighters at the relbjaloodarkumite.
I invented and made and created and started muahlonnbeat down relbjaloodarkumite. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
When you cuddle with your friends when you’re on a come down and it’s nice :)
Awwwww man I just had the BEST come-down cuddle
He is autistic cancer down syndrome brain damaged mentally challenged sponge
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