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Saved for the highest of Cunts!
A Slimy cunt (slimy as a rubber/Condom)

My boss fired me today he is a Spermicidal-Lubri-Cunt or SLC.
This bolt is rather tight it needs some lubricunt!

by Miketrg December 6, 2005

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wonky eyed shit cunt

a friendly yet insulting terminology used amongst friends

shut up you wonky eyed shit cunt

by Big Worm July 18, 2008

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little red riding cunt

Your boyfriend is been a wanker, annoying you all night, you really want to just smother his face so you secretly feed him a couple of xanax and wait until he falls into a deep slumber. It is perfect timing as you are on your period and have thick menstrual blood gushing from your snatch. You take your underwear off and pull out a nice juicy and succulent tampon. You sensually rub the tampon over your smug boyfriends face and lips and then sit your bleeding pussy on his face. Your menstrual blood smears all over his pretty little face, you make sure his lips are parted so he can taste all the juices flowing from your tight little cunt. You do this until his face looks like it belongs in a Quentin Tarrinto movie. You really want to make sure you get a few stringy blood clots smeared across his perfect face and also a few clots in his hair that will dry over night.

"If you don't shut up I'm gonna get my friend little red riding cunt to smother you with her bleeding vagina!"

by Jordan Converse October 26, 2013

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All-American Cunt Hunt

1. Loading up a car with snacks, coffee, soft drinks, and a guitar in the daylight hours then driving said car to an ocean-adjacent tourist-filled city in the effort of finding a woman to have sexual relations with. There must be at least 3 people in the car at all times, with the person in the backseat playing the guitar at some point in the hunt. Also, the city that you travel to has to be at least an hour away from the city you live in.

See also Trim Swimming.

1. "I've got nothing to do today, you want to go to the mall/beach/Sodom & Gomorrah?"

"Fuck that, let's go on an All-American Cunt Hunt!"

"I'll bring the guitar."

by Sallywhacker January 30, 2010

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An insult of great power.
A male who cops sex in the ass.
His ass is a cunt

A penis goes in a cunt yet he has a cunt for an ass.
He cops anal thru his cunt.
hey glomb you cunt-ass-son-of-a-bitch.

by steven stevens February 9, 2007

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super fucking thunder cunt

The S.F.T.C is a the top ranking cunt around who will leave you begging for more, she will tell you how it is, she is also the ring leader and she eats dumb asses for breakfast

Joe: Hey there wanna take a ride?

S.F.T.C : Get a fucking life you dumbass, that line is so lame

Joe: Your a super fucking thunder cunt

by the SFTC April 23, 2010

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stinky pussy vagina cunt

Big fat pussy whore cunt

Guilherme is a big fat stinky pussy vagina cunt

by 720tickshotter January 17, 2019

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