Kys (the kids version) means, keep yourself safe!
Someone who doesn't know what kys (the kids version) means
p1: hey girl im gonna go drive to walmart
p2: ok, kys!
p1: wtf bro u tellin me to kms?? ๐
Someone who DOES know what kys (the kids version) means
p1: hey im gonna drive to walmart
p2: kk, kys!!
p1: i will, ly bbg ๐๐ป
a social reject who bases their life on broccoli and an op teenager with anger issues
hey have you seen that mha kid??
yeah they smell kind of bad
A kid on instagram also known as @deadmemes4deadpeople
Wow he's such a k0ol sk8ter kid
yugioh kids are really annoying nerd birds that play yugioh all day everywhere it doesn't matter what time it is they are playing yugioh
those yugioh kids never stop playing yugioh i wonder how?
There it is! THERE IT IS! I was waiting for that one for a mintue!
A Father "YoU tHrEaTeNeD mY kId!"
Hym "No, I commanded someone to murder him. That's an entirely different thing. Amd you were a soft-spoken, limp dicked, sissy 7 years ago, fairy. What are you like NOW, sissy? Who are you like now? And don't bring ip you ex-wife to me bitch. What we have is special. You and your wife would probably fuck me you faggot! FAGGOOT!"
Kids are hard to understand. They act waaaaaaaay mature for their age. Often says stuff they're not supposed to say like daddy! or fmh (fuck me hard)! and cuss words? don't even get moi started..
whats wrong with kids these days everything!
Those kids that hung out under the stairs during passing period, lunch, and generally most class times. Often emo or scene, always weird, occasionally a furry or otherkin.
One of the stairwell kids gave me some yaoi of Charlie The Unicorn and Llamas With Hats.