Someone who does not believe in god but participates in jewish holidays because they feel jewish guilt.
synonym - jatheist
There were a lot of part time jews in my high school.
When you're having sex on your friends couch with a girl dressed as popcorn.
Man 1: "Hey what is Jonathan doing on your couch with that girl dressed as popcorn?"
Man2: "Oh you know, it's popcorn time"
Enjoying the sight
Look at all the chaos those guys are causing
It's popcorn time
The psychological phenomenon where an individual experiences frustration or regret upon discovering a beneficial change or opportunity that occurs immediately after they leave or finish an experience. It often involves feelings of envy, loss, or unfairness, as the timing of the improvement would have directly benefited the individual had it occurred earlier. This effect can lead to counterfactual thinking and a sense of "what could have been."
"The university just announced new funding for research projects, but I’m graduating next month. I guess I'm experiencing the after-timing effect."
"I spent years working at that company, and just after I left, they introduced flexible work-from-home options. It’s the After-Timing Effect at play!"
"After years of hard work, I finally graduate, and now they’re offering a campus-wide discount for DoorDash—classic After-Timing Effect!"
Knocking someone out with your fist or an object
"Aii Man from me blud move or ill bang you one time"
It's just like having a bad time but instead of bad it's mad or crazy,you cannot control your negative emotions making you do things you'll regret after
The kid had a mad time at school