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do your shitt

When a stupid ghetto dick suckin ass hood rats, who get fucked in the booty, or fuck on other dicks and suck cocks tell they nasty ass friend to turn up and do it with them

I just fucked like 20 niggas, its your turn
"do your shitt sus" says wakenesha.

by Gansta t September 22, 2018

do a Mike Tyson

If your friend falls asleep at a party and you just leave them behind without saying goodbye.

In distinction to a french exit where you just sneak out of a party without telling anyone, "to do a Mike Tyson" specifically means leaving the person you came together to the party behind, because he/she fell asleep there.

How could you just do a Mike Tyson last night? I woke up next to these bunch of strangers in the middle of the night and had no idea where you are?!!

by thommydabai August 1, 2021

Lets DO something!

Wank tosspot MBA phase to 'motivate' perceived lesser individuals

speads virally, thrives in an environment of nerdy dead arsery

Me: Look arse, this report is still arsefest, I'm outahere

Boss: ok, Lets DO something! (You stay late and work your arse off, whilst I continue counting my money)

Me: Ok, you do something cunt. Swivel on my stapler, take a spin on me hole-puncher, take your MBA and shove it up your arse.. etc etc

by Alice Sea Kitten April 23, 2004

do a sit-up

insult delivered to that fat douche bag who just won't shut the fuck up

fat douche bag: dude you can't do that for shit

maddog: go do a sit-up you fat shit

by DUDL3Y February 17, 2010

i dont do incest

biggest lie ever told

i dont do incest

by Naya948 February 9, 2025

Do it for the snap

Similar to "Do it for the vine"

Just doing "Do it for the snap" because there is a channel on Snapchat where its 10 second talents.

Girl 1: Do it for the snap
Girl 2: *does the talent*

by UltraOnUrbanDictionary November 16, 2019

doing a kermit

Another way to say “kms.” From the famous vine of Kermit the Frog jumping off a building.

Boy 1: We have to run 5 miles tomorrow in track!
Boy2: Brb doing a kermit

by avram2 June 6, 2019