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Womb moms day

It is the day of the mothers, whose baby’s are still in the mothers womb. The nurturing mother still deserves a celebration for gods sake.

When someone’s baby is still in the womb on Mother’s Day / you: well that’s why I celebrate “womb moms day” on may 15th? For mothers who’s baby is still in the womb dumb fuck😂

by Breddded April 17, 2023


AHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! I have a better change of actually ending up with Jennifer Lawrence than she does of being president.

Hym "Tip to Mom-ala, stop invoking what they would theoretical do and cite actual statements. I know there are some proposals out regarding federal abortion bans. Cite them. It's better because you know the other side is just going to say 'Well you would theoretically hypothetically do THIS!' At the same time, you're not fucking so I don't care if your child murder privileges get revoked. I shiuld also be allowed to kill kids to negate what someone else has done to me but I don't see you jumping to defend my rights."

by Hym Iam July 4, 2024

volleyball mom

Ladies who think their daughter is always the best, and spoil their children rotten. They smile in your face but talk about your daughter if they take their kids place on the court . Team moms are usually the worst one of the clique

Omg that volleyball mom is doing too much like always

by BriLynnjae March 23, 2017

You’re mom

A term/not completed phrase you use just to either piss off someone or just because you don’t have good comebacks you’ll have a high chance of using "You’re mom"

Dev: Bro you’re so dumb does your brain have aids?
Johnny: You’re mom.

by TSM_AK January 7, 2019

mom stan

usually used in kpop.

when a young person makes a lighthearted joke about something and an old person/some loser comes in a polices it and finds it unfunny because they’re incapable of knowing what new tech humor is.

normal person: i’m gonna beat the shit out of *idol name*...

mom stan: that is absolutely not funny, delete it rn.

by baekhyuncanrunovermewithabus October 26, 2020

Single mom shooting

When a male is shooting a gun incorrectly and hitting everything but the target because the Mom left Dad so the male had no father to show him how to be a man.

Look at Pookie behind the car doin a single mom shooting, popping that gun sideways over the roof without looking!!! He’s a product of a single mother.

by D worx March 8, 2023


A phrase used when you want some liquid in your belly but are to lazy to get you fat arse out of bed.


by March 21, 2021