When a group of boys cum in each other’s arse and suck it out slowly and sexually after.
Oh my god, me and my mates had a cum friends sesh last night, it was so fun
Cum Mummy, (v) (com mumi)
A term used to describe the actions of when, after a male masturbates, said man wraps bundles of toilet paper on their arm to clean off the splooge from their hand.
Cum Mummy, (v) (com mumi)
A term used for when after a female stimulates a man’s penis causing an orgasm, preferably by jerking him off, and then proceeds to bundle her hand in toilet paper to clean her hands off.
“I was fapping last night, and I did a cum mummy.”
“Samantha and I were getting frisky last night, and she jerked me off; and then she pulled a cum mummy on me.”
A very stealthy motherfucker that blows a load before you know it.
Jesus, that was one cum ninja.
A ferocious, spinning cum-shot. Usually a result of multiple men busting on a woman at once but it could form from a single dude if the load is violent enough.
My friend and I busted a fat cum-nado on your mom's face last night. It was fucking rad, dude.
The act of cumming profusely because of some hot shit
“Damn shawty don’t come around here w all that ass you gon make me diarrhea cum.”
It’s cum in a bathtub now take it
Chad here’s cum in a bathtub take it
Fore skin cum is the cum that sticks inside your fore skin often forgotten about and molds once in molding it can only be sucked off by someone else (saliva is the only thing that can remove it) also note moldy fore skin cum can become infected and they will have to surgical remove your dick
My moldy Foreskin cum was stinging so my gf slurped it up