When a child / children have lesbian Moms and Step Mom’s raising them! It’s a Mom Squad!
Oh, that’s my Mom Squad /or/ How many Mom’s do you have!?!? I have a Mom squad!
The single most attractive woman of all time. Every guy that sees her instantly falls in love with her.
I like this girl bro, she looks like brooklyns mom.
HOLY SHIT BRO marry her now!
“Wilson Mom” - Noun
plural: Wilson Moms
: an attractive woman of the age of 30-55 with a rich husband, living in or near the town of Wilson Wyoming.
“Wilson Moms” come in a variety of assortments, but all give “attractive soccer mom” vibes. The best way to spot them will be tight fitting pants, the latest IPhone tucked in the back left pocket, a thermal or sweater accompanied by a Pearl Street Bagel coffee cup, and Stio Hat.
Be warned! Most Wilson Moms tend to be Karens
“Look out, Wilson Mom at 3 o’clock”
when a child insults you but has nothing else to say.
"I'm just saying you need to eat your dinner Timmy"