Someone who is broke and poor, and is extremely over dominate, to his household and to other people, who steals, lies, and fuck other females, and cant keep a job, because he is fucked up, but still thinks that he is better, and smater than everybody else, and is extremely sexist, and will not let a woman be over him or listen to her.
Shaka Zulu father, Zunta Nacomma Nocajamma, is a true fuck nigga
Fuck Nigga A Word Used To Describe Supra...
Supra A Bitch Made Ass Nigga No Cap This Fuck Nigga Think He Cute SMH.
When petty meats scandalous in a dude, it's a bitches way to behave, as if security is his need not hers. His is supposed to be weight, wait, and way' ta'!
These fuck niggas keep crying, about the game, fuckin the game up, and getting 'gamed-one', starting the cycle all over again. A true pimp gets excited when he sees the jungle outside his cell or cave or whateva...