you: who is Nicole tv
me: u must be dumb shes a funny Youtuber the girl who made move like a snake and with the standing ponytail duh learn your facts.
A mythic creature believe to be a folktale/ghost story, it’s said to have been millions of years since anyone has seen him.
“Friend 1: Hey, have you seen Nicole’s dad?” “Friend 2: haha good joke”
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Nicole John is quite a bizzare name for a boy. Whoever gets to know the real him would be dumbfounded. He is smart, streetwise, does not give up easily and is born a bread winner. Oftentimes he is easily distracted but he is just too busy overthinking things that he cannot control. He is not that friendly and picks people carefully before opening up to them but once you get to know him, he is fun to be with, he is loud and has a great sense of humor but also has a tendency to be forgetful. He is a great son, a caring brother,
, a reliable friend, a trustworthy colleague and a loving boyfriend. He is not a gentleman but you can always count on him (unless he forgot your discussion whatsoever) He has his negative traits but when you love a person, you accept their flaws and agree with some terms to make your relationship with them work. He loves to eat but doesn't get fat, he is not sweet but when he is, he'll put time and effort beyond expectations, he care for others but most of the time it was misunderstood and he is easily attracted to other girls but can be expexted to be loyal to his woman. His woman would be lucky to have him. Nicole John is a bizzare name because a Nicole John is a bizarre person you'll be lucky to have in your life.
I love you, Nicole John. Thanks for everything.
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A "Nicole Wiswall" is awfully short for a Stormtrooper.
Now, that's a picture, isn't it? The Emperor's Nicole Wiswall sanctioned stormtroopers setting the example for good manners. Like arming protocol droids with blasters.
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Nicole owusu is a gorgeous human who loves herself and many other
Is that nicole owusu!
She is gorgeous and funny right?
So true
Nicole Clarke is an official term for amazing, by this the government of Ireland mean that one must be loyal, nice, kind and of most amazing. Having all of these will make u an amazing person aka a Nicole Clarke.
Wow that girl over there is a Nicole Clarke
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Nicole Clarke is an official term for amazing, by this the government of Ireland mean that one must be loyal, nice, kind and of most amazing. Having all of these will make u an amazing person aka a Nicole Clarke.
Wow that girl over there is a Nicole Clarke
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