Source Code

Maser Face

The face you have on when you are extremely hammered and loving it.

Man: Look at that kid. Is he drunk?

Man 2: You're goddamn right he is! He's got his Maser Face on!!

by hwsmasher07 December 7, 2010

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Mob Face

A simple cartoon face like one would see in NPCs and background characters, think of Miis or Mobโ€™s face in Mob Psycho 100. An Unusual fetish popular on 4chan where images of cartoon/anime women with voluptuous bodies are posted albeit her face is designed with the plain mob face in question. In Japanese, the fetish is called โ€œMob-Gaoโ€.

โ€œOh man I love Kanna from Blaster Master 0 and her mob face! Who knew just putting two black ovals and a mouth on a potted plant would be so attractive?!โ€

by beansproutpp March 30, 2022

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Face Chug

To grab someone by the collar and chug a beer right in their face. Variations include the knock-out face chug, reverse face chug, double face chug, inverse face chug, sake bomb face chug, over-the-table face chug and the legendary bean-dip face chug.

Charles totally face chugged Julian at the bar last night. It was incredible.

by Chino SF August 12, 2006

75๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

twisty face

What a speed freak has after too many days up.

Quit peeking outside! No one wants to see your twisty face!

by hannibal lickter April 28, 2005

30๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


to make an appearance, maybe to an event, party, club, get-together etc, that you don't want to be your final destination.

Yeah I'm going to hit up a couple spots tonight but i have to at least show-face at May's party.

Nando: "I'm having this event tonight you wanna come out?"
Lisa: "Yeah, i may show-face, it depends on what's going on, ya dig?"
Nando: "I dig"

by -=DieseL=- March 4, 2008

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bum face

bum face;

n. chiefly british slang, derogatory

1. one who has a face that has a similar appearance to the buttocks

2. one who is of such an annoying temperament that they are worthy of being compared to someone with a bum for a face

3. Someone with a bum for a face. And perhaps a face for a bum, although this is uncommon.

"Oh my god, you are such a bum face".

"Good golly, you're talking so much poo right now, one might call you a bum face"

by Tom Bromley January 4, 2004

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nirvana face

1.) The logo for the best band to ever exist, drawn by Kurt Cobain.
2.) The face hardcore grungers make when they hear Kurt's epic screams. Like an O Face, but way more intense.

1.) smiley face with a squigly mouth and "X" eyes, tongue hanging out.
2.) usually with eyes closed, mouthing whatever Kurt happens to be singing. " Whoa, what's she doing?" "Doood, that's her Nirvana face." "sexy."

by THE REAL Grungegirl August 9, 2009

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