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Guy who doesn't know how to play any game, has an attention span of two micro minutes.

I can't find anything to watch, I'm such an Adrian.

by anomymommy May 13, 2024


Likes zohaa, is a baller and doesn't know how to tie his shoe laces. Funny Yam head with ripples instead of waves

Eg Adrian ur so peng says zohaa

by Um..... Lolll November 4, 2019


A mf who thinks he's the shit. Adrian is a mf that thinks he's cool and he is very cocky. He will try to use good comebacks but all those comebacks are popular TikTok shit! Adrian is a guy who has a over gelled comb over for 5+ years and will never change! He's very dirty minded and thinks everything another way. This mofo will be having those 60+ dollars backpack and will usually wear the same jeans for months! Adrian will usually be carrying Gatorades, Hot Cheetos, and Takis in his backpack, and will have crumbs in his back pack and in his jackets/sweaters. Adrian is also a guy who DOESNT washes his clothes or shower, he sprays his cheap cologne from the Flea Market! Adrian is a very person that you can neve trust.

*scores a point*
Adrian: "Y'all should pass it to me more!"

by YoloDean April 19, 2022


cool guy

Adrian is cool

by Horny 2000 March 3, 2020


A guy who is absolutely bonkers... be careful or he will shoot up the school. He has massive hoes for some reason and confuses himself for a black person. He thinks everyone wants him and sweats a lot.

guy one: man he is crazy
guy two: his name is adrian

guy one: that makes sense

by sexy smelly horse girl June 18, 2023


Weird dude that wears beanies

Man that Adrian dude is a little confusing.

by Jamminmtbuzz June 27, 2022


very tall and epic person

Friend 1: "I can't reach the bowls in the top shelf, I'm too short!"
Friend 2: "Call Adrian"

by adwanbwah November 22, 2021