It’s when you blow into a female vagina and finger blast her and pull the finger(s) out and let the vagina blow.
Man: “hey shawty can we try the blow and pull I just learned it.”
The act of snorting a large amount of cocaine. Often followed by a particularly nasty nosebleed.
Person A: Hey, you up for a wake-and-bake?
Person B: Yeah, that sounds nice, but I like to start my day pounding blow.
Person A: Damn cokeheads...
When a girl takes a Tooth pick, and blows it down the urethra of a man.
"I heard you were Aztec, wanna try Blow Darting me?"
after a long and amazing blow job, the feeling that your tripping or high.
woah that felt like a blow trip
When a chick gets down on one knee to blow your. Like being T-boned.... BUT BETTER!
After she lost the bet i made her get down and Te-blow me
When you shove a penis so far down your throat, you can feel the stomach acid.
The tip of my dick is burned off now because she gave me a burning blow!
Referring to a breathalyzer. Blowing through and it reads 0.00. When someone is pretending to be drunk or high but they blow a 0% BAC
Guy 1: did you see how drunk she was at the party?
Guy 2: nah dude she was blowing zeros