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A very respected man at the pub

Barry was a respected alcoholic

by Barry the rich alcoholic April 11, 2020


the most retarted person you'll ever know. he is a gigantic hick that fucks his sisters. Barry's are known for their small dicks. everything that come out his mouth makes you want to shoot yourself in the head.

Barry is a retart and has a small dick.

by EAGEEEEEEEEEEEDBHDjdjsjhshjdwq May 3, 2017


4chan slang for a person who is a big fan of one single game and defends it at all costs.

'did you see this anon who is only talking about this game?'
'yeah he's a real barry'

by Hobo Warrior March 5, 2023


sexes man on earth no cap

barry is hot

by can u September 7, 2022


D one homie in d squad that don't run down gyal cause gyal does run he down. Nigga stfu u bikin brem brem brem

Aye look barry, you feel he'd talk to she ah wah. Nah boi he doh run down gyal

by lord jio August 2, 2019


D one homie in the squad who doh run down gyal cause gyal does run he down. Nigga stfu u bikin brem brem brem

Aye look barry, you feel he'd talk to she ah wah, nah boi he doh run down gyal

by lord jio August 2, 2019


A fag, mostly gingers

“Barry wade is so gay

by Jejeenne November 2, 2019