Source Code

cancer dick

n://Cigarette. As derived from the reference "cancer stick" used to describe the stick-shaped cigarette's propensity to cause cancer, the term "cancer dick" is intended to additionally imply how smoking fucks you over.

Still smoking those cancer dicks, Earl?

by redgyul January 1, 2006

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cancer pussy

A diseased pussy thats smell is so putrid, the burning stench lingers in your nose for a while after the encounter.

The stripper pushed her naked crotch into Kirby's face, but her cancer pussy left a lingering stink that burned his nostrils and left him gasping for air.

by Lu Pac September 20, 2007

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Cancer Bag

1. A bag of cancer.
2. One who is violently infested with cancer
3. See Marc Drattel

Wow, I really am not ready for that test tomorrow. It doesnt matter how much I study, I know that Cancer Bag will give me a 25.

by Angry Student550 January 16, 2007

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cancer whore

1. A random epithet/insult.

2. Somebody who gets their jollies from or is interested in unpopular or potentially/possibly disgusting things.

Did you hear so-and-so has a brain tumor?


You're such a cancer whore.

by plorqk June 24, 2005

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Cancer Burrito

A spicy red burrito which contains 700 calories of processed beef and will give anyone who consumes it the major shits. Cancer burritos should be consumed no more than once a week at the very most and should not be consumed at all if possible. Symptoms of the cancer burrito include: massive shits, constipation, stomach pains, sudden weight gain, addiction to the burrito and sudden decrease of the senses.

Josh: Dude why did you just get a cancer burrito!
David: I'm addicted to them now, if I dont have one I start to get withdrawls.
Josh: o0o0o0o0o0o0o DEADLY!
David: You know it!

by FRISKET II January 19, 2006

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Summericular Cancer

The disease contracted the last week of summer where you realize school will begin shortly and your summer life will have no chance for survival.

"Shit, what's a matter with him?"
"Nothing, he just has Summericular Cancer."

by El Zacko August 16, 2007

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mooch cancer

a noncontagious disease as a result of excessive mooching (see mooch) where as the moron or stupid idiot fuckhead taints their personality to the furthest extents and alters their natural path of Morphogenesis thusly creating congenital defects that appear on their physical appearence.

In other words, when a person becomes notoriously known as a moocher and continues to live such a lifestyle, jigaboo-like traits ensue.

Basically... they mooch so much they suffer in it and become something like a crack whore.

"Don't let her in, she's got MOOCH CANCER"

by Nacon February 13, 2008

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