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Chief Barking Spider

"Chief Barking Spider" is a euphemism describing an individual who is known to fart extensively.

It can also be used to describe an extraordinarily raunchy fart.

Use 1: Man, Kevin sure is one heck of a Chief Barking Spider.

Use 2: Holy cow! Do you smell that? Who let in Chief Barking Spider?

by Shackle April 2, 2010

Anal Aperture in Chief

An increasingly popular nickname for the 45th POTUS despite it being cumbersome to use.

Having chosen Tulsa, a symbol for our deep American racial divide, for his next campaign rally, the Anal Aperture in Chief has hit rock bottom and chosen a venue that will galvanize equal rights protests all over the world.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 11, 2020

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War Criminal in Chief

A new nickname for the 45th POTUS after he green-lighted the mass slaughter of our Kurdish allies in Syria.

This well-deserved nickname may finally allow Trump Jong Un to feel like he’s hit the big time and can be known throughout history as the War Criminal in Chief; he can now join the powerful ranks of all of his deeply loved badass, mass-murdering dictator idols.

by Dr Bunnygirl October 18, 2019

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Morning Chief Session

When people collaborate in the morning and vape.

As billy hit his vape he knew he had a fine morning chief session.

by cg lip packer 69 January 4, 2017

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

kansas city chiefs

The Kansas City Chiefs are a professional American football team based in Kansas City, Missouri. They are currently members of the Western Division of the American Football Conference (AFC) in the National Football League (NFL).

The Chiefs hold the distinction of being the second AFL team (after the New York Jets) to defeat an NFL club in an AFL-NFL World Championship Game when they defeated the Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl IV.

The Chiefs are led by: Trent Green (QB), Priest Holmes (RB), Larry Johnson (RB), and Eddie Kennison (WR).

1) The Kansas City Chiefs are the best team in the NFL.

by JulianQ May 17, 2006

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Chief Keef that Pussy

When you ram your index finger into the pussy violently twice, yelling out " BANG BANG!"

David- Hey how did the date go last night?
Peter- Yeah I Chief keef that pussy, BANG BANG!

by sentaii April 12, 2019

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Being the Fire chief

Being the fire chief is best defined as speaking out of your head, or talking in your sleep. While talking on the phone, should you suddenly become tired and start speaking crazy talk, you can be accused of "being the fire chief"

One night Eli was talking to Lauren on the phone and upon becoming very tired, Eli stated that he was the fire chief and proceeded to go into great detail of how he runs the fire house, hence he was "being the fire chief". This is the origin of this term.

by ChiefEP1234 June 14, 2010

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