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Busting the chops

When you cook hot pork chops put on your dick and have a female succ you off

Last night my girlfriend was busting the chops on the floor

by Piplupz01 November 2, 2018

chopped steak

A slab of ground beef desperately meant to pass off as a real steak but is actually a cheap, disappointingly shitty imitation that doesn't even come close to any typical cut of steak in flavor or texture. Typically used by burger joints for dishes that require a standalone steak because for much less money they can essentially just throw a large hamburger on a plate by itself and then it's somehow considered a steak.

Customer: I'll have the steak & eggs, please.

Server: Just so you know, we use chopped steak instead of a T-bone like every single other restaurant uses for that dish. Is that still alright?

Customer: Fuck that, lemme just get 3 pancakes instead.

by j5689 July 9, 2017

Tiddie chop

Top surgery defined by two Tranny ass memers

Man, I can't wait for my Tiddie chop

by Strawberriesuwu June 7, 2019


Having sexual activities with a girl, preferably giving head or eating her out.

After everything, las las Emeka still chop work.

by Bad boy. August 12, 2019

California Chops

Muttonchops that are shaped like California.

Look at Steve! His muttonchops are shaped like California, so I suppose he has California Chops! Ba Dum Chh!

by 9voltoyster September 27, 2010

Chop Job


chop job lookin fresh

by smart geeza May 3, 2019

latte chop

*a white girl who is intoxicated
*a white girl who hits you while drinking her Starbucks coffee

definition 1:
Sarah: "Hey! Are you staring at that girl's butt?"
Darren: "What? No, of course not! I was just...looking at the street sign"
Sarah: *smacks Darren in the face*
Darren: "You totally just latte chopped me! What IS it with you white girls? So sensitive"

defintion 2:
Tiffany: "have you seen Sarah lately? I can't get a hold of her"
Darren: "She's constantly latte chopped. Don't be surprised if she doesn't return your calls."

by eufreaquiem December 23, 2014