Cute, friendly,and flirty is the meaning of this wonderful name. Being named Collin is like being called a gift to the world and to whomever u will meet.
Collin is the most famous guy in school
A Collins is a person who is very fond of the color yellow.
Oh look a Collins I bet he’s about to make out with a minion right now.
Collins are normally quiet well mannered gentlemen that don’t mind switching sides in the bed room. They’re clever with girls and guys.
“That Collin is a trip”
that nigga straight slime bruh I swear
girl 1- "wow have you seen Collin"
girl 2- "slime"
Obnoxiously british name. Might also find some kids in the western united states with this name. Very feminine but still insists that he is straight and "One of the boys" He is a douchebag and gets no bitches. Moves to a differently school and town not long after arriving because he is a social outcast.
Wow look at that dude! He keeps striking out with women.
Must be Collin.
This is the type of nigga to like ur friend named Jack’s little sister Kendall. Every once in a while he solute Hitler, and he’s dogshit at fortnite. Fetus Tots