Friends you have that you go to cons with, and/or meet up with at conventions.
I'm meeting my Con-Friends at the merch hall.
My Con-friends and I, are cosplaying characters from Tokyo Ghoul together.
Con-fuck-tion That is the worst confucktion I have ever heard.
nickname for noted anti-trans dickbag Chaya Raichik
when stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik blinks twice her toothless, violent army calls in bomb threats and pollutes school-board meetings. she is Chaka Con, and is probably the dumbest of Elmo Musky's gal pals.
A leftist that believes any and all woes especially violent mob actions comes from conservatives or those that don’t fit in their assigned social roles as per the leftist philosophies
L: The police caused this riot
Friend speaking reason: don’t be a blue conned nut they tried to save a kid being held hostage
a genre of bypassed 18+ games on the video game platform roblox, typically out of style now.
the name most likely comes from the word “consent”, just switched around to get past the bypassing system.
considering roblox’s main demographic is children, it’s pretty gross. :( luckily roblox is better at catching these bypasses, so they're much less frequent nowadays.
“Hey, wanna play that sent con game I told you about?”
“Alex, you have issues.”
Short for "conspiracy theory"
I don't believe in that con-theo about the moon landing.
people who are not as smart as the speaker
ui dời ơi dễ vãi lồn địt mẹ mày mấy thằng oắt con này địt mẹ mày tuổi lồn