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Cancel Culture

A group of detractors of a person, typically originating from Twitter, who typically verbally insults and attempts to convince others that the person they are "canceling" is a terrible person.

It typically begins when one or more persons speak out and accuse a person, typically popular, of terrible things (ex. pedophilia, domestic abuse, harassment, etc.). They usually produce a lack of evidence or screenshots/videos, and/or evidence that is out of context.

Once this information is released, those that believe the accuser immediately believe the person accused has done everything and will begin publically posting or sharing the original accusation to spread the information even more.

Cancel culture usually continues until the accused releases a reply that disproves the accusations or apologized for what they have done. Afterward, most of the culture will change sides, forgive the accused, or refuse to watch the accused's proof and continue harassing them.

Cancel culture typically makes memes or image edits of the accused and usually calls them a "clown" and uses clown emojis. Cancel culture over time has been more and more distrusted due to several instances of false accusations and sometimes they are ignored.

Popular victims of cancel culture (even if the accused actually did the actions) include ProJared, Ano ASMR, JnJ Memes (Bush), Onision, etc.

The cancel culture has been very dedicated when Onision was accused of being a groomer and other accusations. It only became worse when Onision uploaded a series of fake meltdowns, especially after his Patreon was deleted after he Doxxed someone.

by someotherkid2021 February 27, 2020

82๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cancel Culture

The customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group that all seem to get offended enough to cancel a show, product, call for firing of a person, etc. No evidence or logic is required.

Rick: Hey Dave Chappelle's new Netflix specials are funny as hell.

James: Yea, I couldn't stop laughing. Sad though that he gets grief from the SJWs about jokes and they call for him to be taken off the air. Cancel Culture is ruining our society.

Bitch: hOw DaRe He MaKe FuN oF tRaNsGeNdeRS!!

by Octavius86 September 21, 2019

192๐Ÿ‘ 368๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cultural Wasteland

A place that has no art scene, music scene, or any minorities.

New Jersey is the biggest cultural wasteland this side of the Canadian border.

by Artbybrody November 24, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cancer Culture

That ravenous need to feed on the attention from others, especially irate attention that is provoked, as it serves the baseline premise that the adherent believe, that they are being persecuted for being so preciously special and unique.

Cancer culture is prevalent among woke progressives, who does not care about art, music or cinema, as long as it has themes of LGBTQ+ in it, and will argue with anyone that criticizes that, even if the content in question is of astoundingly low quality.

by Altyv March 23, 2022

8๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cancel Culture

To be cancelled is to be exposed in a way that destroys your online reputation. This happening to you when you deserved it is not cancel culture.

Cancel Culture is the result of somebody trying too hard to be "woke" and looking to cancel somebody to prove their wokeness. If you're woke, you don't need to prove it. See performative wokeness.

The term is often maliciously misused by those that deserved it, usually implying that the cancellers are just "WHINY SJW LIBTARDS". See Shaggy defense.

Jimmy got cancelled for asking a 13 year old girl for nudes on Discord. He blamed cancel culture.

by E hates Q April 26, 2021

157๐Ÿ‘ 10061๐Ÿ‘Ž

culture sponge

Someone whos live is so devoid of interest that they latch onto a subculture until they are then known among said subcuture, such as emo goth hipster geek Usually consists of a lack of intellectual prowess and accepts anything that is released or shown by their idols or peers as "great", "cool" or "awesome" until someone who knows more about the subject and provides a more valid argument on it says otherwise. Also referenced as a Fud, Moron, mindless, Idiot etc.

example: David"Did you see the new Joker for suicude squad, its looks so awesome" Sean" Its is the most profound example of our worlds artistic value and is a simply to appeal to the masses of "batman fans" out there who have steered its story content and design down the shitter" David"Yeah, its pretty shit man" Sean"You are such a fucking culture sponge"

by Tothemadhouse June 18, 2015

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Men of culture

A term that has basically been ruined by weaboos and porn addicts.

iIixXx02IsMahWaifuxXxiIi: "I jerked off for the trillionth time today i am a man of culture"

Random Person: "Bruh you're not a 'man of culture'. You're a cringy porn addicted weeaboo"

'men of culture' has completely lost its meaning at this point.

by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 6, 2022

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