A vagina filled with Cheeto puff dust.
I’d rather haven’t vagina become a fishy cheese doodle than have sex with Donald Trump.
When a woo girl is our with her friends for a night on the town and either takes home or goes home with a guy and gets dick down that is in fact a cock a doodle woo
What happened to Samantha last night I didn’t see her on the party bus. She went home with that guy in Wranglers I think she got cock a doodle woo
When your homie drops his pants weather intentionally in front of you or not you go up behind him yank his wanker and say YANKER DOODLE.
Yo I am about to go up behind Kyle and give him a YANKER doodle he is peeing in a bush right now.
Elena's funna-fied version of saying " OH CRAPP!"
Elena: Oh crappity doodles!
Kailin: What?
Ashley: Who says " Crappity Doodles?
Ami: Oh!
Elena: I mean crappity doodles! I tried to trip Ashley but she moved!
Ashley:Your SO kind Elena.
when a song is so good you can’t get it out of your head and you have to listen to it repeatedly until you’re sick of it (taken and defined by the musical doodle episode from spongebob)
person a: is spellbound by TVXQ actually your favorite song?
Someone who is extremely musically inclined
A person who is extremely musically inclined : they are the musical doodle and they’re songs are also musical doodles