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Dragon Mode

An astronomical level of inebriation in which the subject commits a virtually unstoppable series of social atrocities. Biting, tackling, screaming (read: singing), breaking, and sitting upon are commonly employed by individuals in Dragon Mode. Not attainable by average alcoholics as this level of inebriation often results in blackouts.

When my roommate got home and began playing the guitar and singing(?) at the top of his lungs at 3am I knew he was drunk. When he burst through my door, jumped on my bed and tried to bite my nipple off, I realized he was in Dragon Mode.

by WoodHoot November 1, 2010

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

dragon booger

The term for a glob of resin mined from a pipe or other marijuana smoking device.

"Hey man you got any weed?"
"No, but I just mined my pipe so I've got enough dragon boogers to get us where we need to go."

by Lil' Brudder August 6, 2006

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

green dragon

Green Dragon is an alcoholic beverage made by leaching the buds, leaves, or stems of the cannabis plant in a high-proof clear alcohol. The THC dissolves into the alcohol resulting in a dark green or brown liquid.

Ever seen Scent of a Woman on green dragon?

by nicholec82 April 29, 2010

68πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

flamming dragon

it when a girl is giving you head and when you are ready to blow it in her mouth you chop block her in the thoat so it closes up and then it well come out her nose

i told my buddy about the flamming dragon and he did to his girl last night

by blur who does it all April 19, 2006

44πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Cinnamon Dragon

It is a "prank" that is played by Firefighters while bored at the fire station and looking for a good laugh.The whole point of it, is that not too many people are able to swallow One Table Spoon or PURE Cinnamon.So you find someone that thinks he (or) she can swallow a table spoon of PURE Cinnamon.You will be in for a Great show.. Remember to have a Camera around to capture this hilarious sight!Or to up the anti and have two people try it at the same time and see who can get it down first.Give the "victim" as much time as they need to swallow the whole table spoon.Then let them have water to get the taste out of his or her mouth after All of the Cinnamon is gone.. But they will most likely be spitting it out the second it hits their tongue!

Cinnamon Dragon

Bill: "Hey Tyler, I bet $20 you can not swallow this table spoon of Cinnamon".

Tyler: "Well I'm up for that challenge and I do believe I can get it down".

by Tyler J Morris October 30, 2008

37πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

donkey dragon

Whilst spit roasting a girl, orally and anally, the ultimate enjoyment for both males is to perform the "donkey dragon". By simultaneously reaching climax, both males proceed to perform a combination of a donkey punch and cum dragon which will see the recipient (girl) smacked on the back of the head by both males. This will not only force the lady to clench her anal cavity tightening the orgasm for the β€œanal giver” but cause her to choke on the β€œoral receivers” cum which in turn will spray from her nose dragon’esk . Thus achieving the perfect end to a dirty deed. The Donkey Dragon.

Steve:Hey Andy, you almost ready to blow?...
Andy: Sure am Steve, lets "donkey dragon" this Mother!

by Big AJ April 27, 2006

39πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Imagine Dragons

this is not a band this is now a word of tomfoolery and you can not escape if someone asks you this it does not work with a who's Joe or who's Yuri I works by its self do not do anything just walk away or say what was intended to be said earlier

"well imagine dragon deez nuts all across yo face"

friend: hey dude ya like imagine dragons?
me: no
friend: well "well imagine dragon deez nuts all across yo face"

or you could do this

friend: ya like imagine dragons
me: ya but "well imagine dragon deez nuts all across YO face"

ladies and gentle men we got em

by xzsawq2vvgfrt54xdsewq32nmjhuy7 November 22, 2019

61πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž