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Short person

Very short

Like very very short

Big bunda tho

Person 1 : damn she’s short

Person 2 : that’s just eve

by Garyheadbanger November 12, 2020


Eve is the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss. Dont cross her.

She would be a manic panic pixie dream girl but shes more of a depressed eshay with taste.

Person 1: "woah is so stupid bro"
Person 2: "don't cross Eve dude. she can fuck u up"

by gigachadfemale November 25, 2021


eve is the most prettiest girl on earth

eve is such a pretti girl 🤝🤝

by karlovemilfs June 1, 2021


eve is the most prettiest girl ever !!

eve is so so so pretty

by karlovemilfs June 1, 2021


a person who has a lot of hatred to reject, this horrible person is always judging and constantly trying to show his superiority

you're a piece of shit like eve

by anthony the awesome dude December 10, 2021


Eve is an amazing, absolutely STUNNINGGG person. She is your bestest friend you will ever have so you should never let her go. So much fun to be around.

Ooo she's stunning, that must be an Eve!

by coolcat203040 November 24, 2021


Eve is hot and a sex god and has huge tits so so sexy loves it doggy

Eve she’s well fit

by Fhdhrjehdjd November 23, 2021