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axis of evil

(Partly distasteful) terminology pertaining to countries that sponsor international terrorism; common, cliched target for criticism of the Bush administration.

"Teh bush adminsitraitin sux0rz bcuz bush calls other countreis axis of evil omg LoL"

by GoatBoi July 19, 2003

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Resident Evil

One of the greatest movies ever made

Hey when are we gonna go check out that new Resident Evil man?

by Team LX September 18, 2004

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Evil Goth

A goth of the most vile and repulsive type. Portrayed well by Hearteater of wretched infamy. Known to be repulsive and absolutely dispicable in every possible way. Also adorned with enough metallic apparatus to be seriously concerned with large magnets and thunderstorms.

The Evil Goth ran to cover as the clouds gathered above him. Everyone cheered as Hearteater the Evil Goth was struck by bolt after bolt. Long did they suffer once he survived.

by Ernie Bert June 28, 2005

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evil poptart

a person who is extremly wicked or has done something bad

the evil poptart molested the toster.

by drey&rin December 29, 2003

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Circle of Evil

The Circle of Evil is made up of people, groups and organizations that are against God's rule and laws. They are the Republican party, Feminists and CEO's of most major corporation, particularly those in America!

They are greedy, corrupt, rebellious, self-righteous, but most of all un-Godly.

They are best described in the Book of Enoch; Chapter 15, verse 8.

" Now the giants, who have been born of spirit and flesh, shall be called on earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall proceed from their flesh..."

republicans feminists capitalists circle of evil

by The Prophet Exodus January 14, 2012

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Usually in reference of the treacherous female crack junkie in descent from her high. More commonly found where ever drugs can be manipulated from anyone for free.

A derivative of the more common "TOXIC CUNT","EVIL CUNTOX"Is reserved for the most rancid hearted malicious false advertising fake smiling fake crying EVIL CUNTOX set up mutts among gutter sluts and drug addicts with no job no car no career path, no accomplishments. Just stomp the EVIL CUNTOX before someone gets killed for her manifested insanity.

"Hey glenno ,hey chazza, you know that crazy lying treacherous cousin fucking cuntox of a creature sammi is making all this shit up to cover her crack whore thieving cheating slut betrayals up.im glad i kept all the proof that she's betrayed all of you and me What an EVIL CUNTOX of a thing. "
"What EVIL CUNTOX throws away their future for their past, her and her ex can have each other pair of EVIL CUNTOX."
"Fuck I can breathe now that EVIL CUNTOX sammi jo isn't pulling heartstrings and destroying me to cover up the shameless shit she does to you all too".... Just look at the skinny cracked out looper, probably still got speedway running down her leg the filthy EVIL CUNTOX"


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Evil Parrott

In an office situation you rest your cock and balls on a colleagues shoulder.

I was on a call to Zimbabwe, next thing I know I smell scampi fries, I turn around and someone has done the Evil Parrott on me.

by Dave Almighty June 22, 2009

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