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female gamer

Will never exist, seriously.

"Hi I am a male gamer" <--- could happen
"Hi I am a female gamer" <--- could never happen

by david ownage July 19, 2006

68πŸ‘ 299πŸ‘Ž

sam (female)

usually very stupid and or dumb. not naturally blonde in hair but in mentality and usually dye it that color later in life to feel suited to ones personality. a sam most often receives poor grades in school and does their best to date a try-hard boyfriend. A sam is typically very immature and has very childish humor.

Hey did you see that sam (female) being dumb today?

by physiologist May 8, 2012

27πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

Female Virgo

A female who just do to fucking much, that talks all the shit in the world and can’t back it up.

This female Virgo was talking shit to me, but when I pressed her she got scared and ran away

by Jkb231 August 30, 2021

5πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Female Simp

An oxymoronic term used by someone who doesn't understand what "simp" means, and also believes that for every male personality type there must be an equivalent female type.
1) SIMP stands for "sucker idolizing mediocre pussy". That alone rules out a simp being female on an anatomical level.
2) There can not be a "female simp" because the sexual marketplace favors women, especially online. 80% of men are ignored by women, whereas only 20% of women are ignored by men. This leaves 80% of men who feel gratitude if even a below mediocre female gives them the attention.
Therefore, any female who is mediocre or above is put on a pedestal by the simp and can do no wrong according to him.
3) Since "simp" defines an imbalance of value between male and female, with female being more valuable, the term "female simp" would cancel out "simp" by defining an opposing social imbalance which is impossible.

I've heard guys referred to as simps, but what's a female simp?

by Cosmos Cop May 10, 2020

10πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Hot females



by Jxnnieluvs March 15, 2022

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

female pp


How big is ur female pp WAIT U DONT HAVE ONE huh it’s inverted

by Crunchy_Toast February 4, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pseudo Female

A transgender, trans woman, transsexual woman. With gyno, feminine or female second sex characteristics.

Tim: "Hey Jack."
Jack: "Yeah"
Tim: "Do you think Jimmy is gay? Since he likes trans girls?"
Jack: "Of course he is. He's attracted to people who are biologically male."
Tim: "I thought that was straight?"
Jack: "Nah, to be straight you have to be attracted to females only. Jimmy is attracted to pseudo females (trans women)."

by King of Illinois September 23, 2021

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž