1: “you see that new Puss in Boots movie”
2: “YES bro. That girl cat was so gear”
Having what you need to work it (ass, tits, etc etc)
Dude 1: Look at her! Damn, she got that GEAR!
Dude 2: Yeah, word.. Man, don’t let your girl hear...
Can mince the strongest ones.
Gears can mince the strongest ones. Leaving heroes paralyzed.
(Verb) An awesome find. Unique (Usually sarcastic)
I found this ceramic fish with a clock in its belly at the garage sale; now that’s some clutch gear!
JawshPawshTV isn't scared to lose his gear. He has no Gear Fear. His wiener is fucking huge. Kilowhiskey_ is a huge bitch though, and is terrified if losing his gear.