When you buy shoddy furniture/housewares that seem can can only have been stolen from Ikea by a gypsy looking for some extra bucks!
Robert " shit man, this bed frame seems to be missing screws & parts! Wtf!!!"
Angela " I told you to stay away from that sketchy Gypsy Ikea stuff. It's just trash not even fit for a raccoon!"
A Gypsy Rush is another phrase for the Euphoric head rush experienced after smoking a toot or large bong.
That was some savage Gypsy Rush right there
Mate, I'm Gypsy rushing my fucking tits away
A Mexican common saying meaning that If you drink on Monday you drink all week. In spanish in rhymes: Ley gitana- Si tomas en lunes... tomas toda la semana.
If you drink alcohol on Monday the gypsy law requires you to drink alcohol all week, otherwise a curse will fall upon you and no one wants a gypsy curse.
- Oh man, I'm so drunk right now
- Dude, it's Tuesday what the fuck?
- Yeah bro but I drank yesterday and you know what the gypsy law says... if you drink on monday you drink all week. Hold my beer bro *pukes on himself*
- Hey dude! Let's go grab a beer
- Dude, no, be careful. Today is Monday.
-So what bro?! Let's get shitfaced
- No dude, I don't mess around with the gypsy law. If you drink on Monday you have to drink all week or a gypsy curse will fuck you up and I don't want my kids to be born with bad luck.
A man who is really a gypsy but claims to be white to taint white women's genes.
He pulled a Gypsy Effect and told her he would put white babies in her.
A Gypsy woman prone to liarrhea manipulation and slander.
That back door man always get's Gypsy-Pam's santorum all over the bed sheets. Now he won't give the cunt a gypsys kiss if she was on fire.
Mixed blood Hispanic-Turk known as Paul Nicholas Miller who was tricked by the Alt-Right hivemind into believing he's white and dresses up as the Joker harassing other brown people online.
"Whoever tricked Gypsy Crusader into thinking he's white either deserves a medal or a prison sentence"
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Gypsy sucking fruitcake definition 1;
Old lady whom goes around stealing, lying, and telling false fortunes. (noun)
Definition 2;
JamesCG- this term is used to describe a rather irritable and insane individual.
"Stop being a gypsy sucking fruitcake, you jerk!"