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Freddie’s Law

The rule in which “Bullying is fine as long as it’s funny.” Primary used to justify cyberbullying or making fun of someone

“I knoe he can’t control it, but Freddie’s Law means we can

by Timothy trim November 26, 2022

Cannon Law

"Because" or "Because I said so" A law invoked when asked the question why, after reasons have already been explained or to altogether avoid a question. More commonly used in the business world as a freebie pass to ignore an annoying person's question. Once used by Chris Brown when questioned by media after his release from detainment in PG County, following an assault on a homosexual male. Other celebrities are also using this term. Origination unknown.

i.e. After explaining a long a long marketing scheme in full detail, Jim asks John(the presenter) a stupid or irrelevant question. John simply responds back " thank you for your question, at this time, I am invoking Cannon Law. Next question"

by dom32 February 2, 2014

Cock in Law

When multiple men have had sex with the same woman.

Damn Tommy Mac, you banged her too? I guess that makes us cock in laws cause I tore that pussy up!!

by Quindlen Rules July 9, 2011

Wolfe's Law

The principal that under the current defintion of homosexuality, you are permitted to check out another male for 8 seconds fully clothed, 6 seconds shirtless or a quick glance if all Wang's are shown.

Dude, that shirtless guy is so hot! Anddddd, now he's not. Wolfe's Law.

by Bigbustycoons November 29, 2014


the parents of your side chick or side hoe

R.J: Hey, you want to have a drink tonight bro?
Dave: I can't, my main chick is out of town and Im having dinner with my side chick and her parents.

R.J: Dinner with your Hoe-in-laws? That sucks. Have fun

by Tru Realist June 11, 2016

Gooniör’s Law

Everything is 50/50. Either something happens or it doesn’t.

“You gonna fuck that bitch?”

Man it’s Gooniör’s Law, maybe it’ll happen maybe it won’t.”

by decoldestcrawford June 26, 2021

Snyder Law

•from the Germanic schneiderlegal

Definition: Anything, no matter how high the stakes, is possible.

Origins: After the horrid release of Justice League in 2016, missionary worker and religious profit Zack Snyder was able to turn one of the worst pieces of dog shit, abhorrent movies into a remarkable superhero film

“Hey Di Lap are you going to bag that Victoria’s Secret model tonight or are you going to cry yourself to sleep?”

“Snyder Law states that I will be balls deep by dawn

by Garbanzo March 19, 2021