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Jans is the most beautiful girl in the world. her hair is so pretty and her eyes are like space. Jans is the funniest person you will ever meet and although she gets sad a lot, she stays positive and is always there for you.

if you get yourself someone like Jans, treat her right and don’t ever let her go.

person 1: Hey! do you know who Jans is

Person 2: Yes! she is the best person you wil ever meet.

by i.love.you_3000 November 5, 2022


Jan likes to go to jail

He who loves the police (a jan)

by Steggie November 22, 2021


Someone who uses girls

Hey dude isn't that jan didn't he use the girl names jessica.

by 1234KNOCKKNOCKJOKE March 21, 2023


A male or female human best known for intelligence and attractiveness. They form lasting bonds with other people, and will defend friends and family to the end. Never get on their bad side, enough said

Oh Jans is one sweet person, but NEVER piss 'em off

by Dorimifa March 2, 2020



jan is a girlboss.

by sullislvr November 9, 2021


have a really big yarak

Oh your yarak is big like jan‘s

by Böhseonkelzfan2005 November 22, 2021


If you'r Jan you have to end NNN because you'r real friend and Ondra wanna win.

Jane chci pukky love ya

by November 21, 2021