A large set of boobies that are leaky, beefy and swollen.
He wants to tap that bunch of juicy tarts so hard it will slap him back.
A jew that looks shinny and / or a man named with the letters j stating off his name
Ex: julius, james, john, jordan, jason, jaime, jalik, Jameson
" this kitty is yours juicy juwey" give me that good sex ugh"
Give me that juicy juwey this sex is so good you can have me all night
Another way to describe wet in terms of a woman’s sexual arousal
I had a juicy night with that hot guy that looks like Jimin from BTS.
I want to have a juicy night.
Come over, and I’ll give you a juicy night.
When there’s cellulite around the ass but you could still fuck it if you wanted to
“You see Gwendiline?”
“Yea bro but i heard she was a juicy pear”
A juicy koola is refraining to a man or womens juicy koola
my juicy koola is itchy
Yes another shitty meme month involving beating your pp to oblivion to tiddies
Hot waifu:"Hey Jason"
Jason: "Yes, my Hot waifu?"
Hot waifu: "It's January 1st, you know what that means"
Jason: "JJJ"
JJJ (Juicy Jug January) is again just another meme month where you hit pp to tiddies.
You must drink your’s or someone else’s jizz once a day, in one gulp. Passing will let you move onto Anti Ass August.
Juicy Jizz July makes every man gay