It's always the lowest rank that complains
Stop complaining, classic Rush's Law you n00b
Everything is 50/50. Either something happens or it doesn’t.
“You gonna fuck that bitch?”
“Man it’s Gooniör’s Law, maybe it’ll happen maybe it won’t.”
Humans live by a series of commonly accepted behaviours, norms, and laws. Someone who abides by pirate law, lives their life by their own set of rules which may or may not be accepted by the rest of society. Under this philosophy, one takes what they want without concern over consequences or compassion for others. To follow such a philosophy is to live and behave much like a pirate.
If a person steals from others - not because of need but out of want, they are living by pirate law.
If a person stops or interrupts traffic to cross the street - not because they are in a rush, but simply because they want to cross, they are living by pirate law.
Any time you are debating on the internet or offline, someone will inevitably bring up trans people as a talking point.
Similar to Godwin's law, which is a rule of internet discourse re: Hitler. Polly's law is an example of a logical fallacy.
Inspired by twitch streamer PollyPeople.
"Yeah, well okay, you're wrong because you support men using the women's bathroom!"
"Stop invoking Polly's Law. Geez."
The belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.
Using the Law of Attraction you can manifest anything
Law that is introduced as a knee jerk reaction, usually to erode the rights at work of people at work.
the Employment Relations (Film Production Work) Amendment Bill introduced to the NZ parliament on October 28, 2010 is being called The Hobbit Law. It seeks to make all film industry workers contractors by default.
Caro's Law
Caro's Law: Also known as 'Carldor' or sometimes refered to as the 'Hypothesis of Caro'.
This denotes to the teachings of the fallen prophet Caro -denounced by the Roman Emperor Scipio Africanus in 165 BC-. Since Pre-Biblical times, the words of Caro have emanated in the hearts and minds of all great forward thinkers such as the disciple of Jesus; Judas, quoting him as he kissed the founder of Christianity's brow, and later down the line even such Italian genius's as Leonardo Da'vinci and Mussolini giving credit to his preachings in their glorious success.
Caro's Law originated as what we would now refer to as an ideology similar to soft fascism, although at the time this may have been seen as the ignorant 'plebs' naturally following the higher authority of the patriarchy. Despite Caro's Law unifying the common man in his struggle against the evils of life, the high religious trinity branded him a heretic, leading to his denouncement at the hands of Scipio.
"Your opinion is invalid in the eyes of Caro's Law, which is empirical evidence in itself"
- Oh, your argument differs to my own? Too bad mate you're wrong -
"Caro's Law is the ultimate ontological argument"
-What does ontological mean you say? Um... urrh... -
"By Caro's Law, 21 Pilots are perhaps the best representation of the modern day dog turd"
-As a follower of Caro’s Law I have musical superiority to all else on this green earth -