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Mitchell Bourner Wasted

The phenomenon which occurs when a Mitch consumes copious volumes of the HULK, a mix of WKD and Stella, for however long they remain conscious. It is usually characterized by off-beat dancing, the stripping of clothes, the groping of grannies, general sloppiness, obscene behaviour and inappropriately touching oneself.

Jonny: "Dude, why is that person groping that old lady and drinking green liquid"

Dude: "OMG, they are Mitchell Bourner Wasted"

Jonny: "Dude, you should have seen that man at the club the other night. He had like, fifteen shots of Jager and then started taking his clothes off and groping himself, super sloppy"

Dude: "OMG, they are Mitchell Bourner Wasted"

by Bitch_tits_bourner December 20, 2024

ayden mitchell

the hottest, sexist, funniest, cutest person to ever step food on this planet earth!

“wow, have you see ayden mitchell? how is she still single??”

by animeuwulover123 April 25, 2021

ayden mitchell

hot person

wow, ayden mitchell is hot

by animeuwulover123 April 25, 2021

brianna mitchell

she is the most beautiful, gorgeous girl you will ever see. you can get lost in her eyes in seconds, and every moment with her is amazing. she is also so kind and sweet and has a perfect personality. she is every guys dream girl and you would be lucky to have a girl like her.

See that girl, she could never be like brianna mitchell.

by brilover77 February 21, 2021

brianna mitchell

she is the most beautiful, gorgeous girl you will ever see. you can get lost in her eyes in seconds, and every moment with her is amazing. she is also so kind and sweet and has a perfect personality. she is every guys dream girl and you would be lucky to have a girl like her.

See that girl, she could never be like brianna mitchell.

by brilover77 February 21, 2021

Mitchell Phillips

Usually not hung

Scared of older women but usually sexually attracted to young people

Means the same as peado

"your actual such a mitchell phillips"

by eudhwuiedhuiq April 17, 2018

Courtney Mitchell

a person from a white family. Either Scottish or English where the name is derived.

Courtney Mitchell has soft velvet red hair.

by europopian September 20, 2009