Source Code

halo 2

the most craptastically overrated piece of shit game ever. Not only that but it also plays on the piss-poor xbox. Dont get me wrong its a good game but you fanboys are pissing me off. Its not the best first person ever. That is right reserved for half-life (both of them). All you fanboys shut the hell up

-"OMG, I tottally just haxored you with the snipe in halo"
-"you do realize its not the best game ever right?"
-"shut upt it is you dont know what youre talking about, omg youre soooo gay omg omg omg lol omg"
-"you love it in the anus!"

by bargl December 1, 2004

29๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

halo 2

A pretty good game but not as great as the original and Half-life 2 still beats the shit out of it

"HALF-LIFE 2" R0xzzzz

by Jinto June 27, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Halo 2

a FPS game for the Xbox, Sequel to Halo

Yes, I have both PS2 and Gamecube, and I'm here to break the stereotypes of "OMG all the people hating on Halo are Gamecube/PS2 owners!!!11!!1 omg lol internet"

I only played the first Halo once, and I liked it, a lot.

I recently went up to my brother's house in Utah, and he had Halo 2(No Xbox Live, sadly, but enough opponents for a 4 player multiplayer)

All I can say is that Halo 2 rocked my socks off

Then again, each Console has it's own shining gem in gaming.

And from what little hype I heard about Halo 2, It lives up to that.

Then again, I'm a sucker for anything remotely Sci-Fi, but Halo stood out in the "Sci Fi" Genre.

Xbox live would have made my experience even better.

Yes, I'll say that it's equal to sex.

Killzone is still the PS2's Halo killer though!

Killzone Looks just as great as Halo, I have yet to play it though


I win.

by Border Patrol Man January 5, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Halo: Reach

Halo: Reach is a game made by Bungie Studios and was the prequel to Halo: Combat Evolved. It was supposed to be the greatest Halo title, but turned out to be terrible. It broke its own canon many times and introduced many new features that were terrible.
They broke the original Halo gameplay so badly that the golden triangle (guns, grenades, melee) turned into a square made out of moldy turds (Armor abilities, guns, grenade spam, sprint melee).
They removed many features that made what Halo was and removed dual wielding, and the most iconic weapon of Halo: The SMG. The Battle Rifle was also removed and replaced with a new, more overpowered weapon.
Bungie also brought back the health system which made sense, but made grenades way more powerful, without changing them.

The game was overall terrible and only ran for a few weeks off of hype. The game couldn't even hold #1 game on Xbox LIVE for more than a few weeks. Every other Halo game accomplished this for years, and even when they were not #1, they were still pretty high up.

There is a conspiracy where Bungie intentionally made Halo: Reach a bad game because they didn't want the fans to miss them and so 343 Industries could have an easy time winning over the fanbase and selling Halo games by turning Reach into something playable and remaking the first Halo game without changing a thing.

Guy: Halo: Reach is gonna be great!

*Plays Reach*


by SpitShine Tommy November 4, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Halo 3

BEST GAME EVER MADE pwns all noobs...

KID1: Yo i just got cod4
KID2: you know Halo 3 game out?
KID!: wtf no way man, im gonna go return this junk...

by NEver won November 17, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

halo 2

A crappy game invented by some geek.
Played by other geeks see its brother, diablo 2 for more geek like games. Sam, tom, and tom h. LOVE halo2 (geeks).

"hey i found a copy of halo 2, wanna burn it?"

by GIGGLES March 6, 2005

30๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Halo 3

The most Uber game in all of gaming History. This game defines "video games". Take it from a Halo 3 player =) .

Guy: Hey dude! Halo 3 came out 2 days ago... i still don't have it.
Me: I got it 20 minutes after it came out... I'm so ashamed of myself. Then again, the line was out the door and about 3 miles down the road. And I got the legendary edition Helmet!
Me: So? =) Atleast I have Halo 3
*Guy rapidly turns emo over the next 2 days"

by Halo 3 Pwner September 25, 2007

79๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž